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Showing posts from July, 2013


I first found out about Chad's pedals while doing a tour last spring with the boys in Transit. Torre their guitarist was using one of the first Loud/Louder pedals and after hearing him use it night after night I knew I had to get one.  I often would find myself hitting my older boos pedal and wishing there was another one connected to it for more volume. Well, this is that pedal. Recently I had Chad build me both a Loud/Louder and his new overdrive pedal the Old Ironsides to use on the new PBC record. The pedals are fantastic, handmade, and extremely well built. They have already made it to my pedalboard for the next tour and I can't wait to use them. I asked Chad if he would be down to do a quick interview for the blog and he was totally on board. He's a great dude and makes some great pedals, you enjoy the read. I think we should first start this off with you telling us a little about yourself. What was the starting point with you when first getting into mus...


I have to say that I have been waiting for this day for a long time now. Every time I would listen to this album (which is always in heavy rotation) I would say to myself that someone needs to put this record out again, but on vinyl. It even got to the point to where I considered doing it myself. I was willing to go thousands of dollars in debt with loans in order to pay Sony the rights reissue it. Now mind you I never even got to the first step in that process. It was more or less a recurring dream I would have.  However, I'm glad someone beat me to the punch because I would much rather spend $16.00 than the ungodly cost it would have been to re-release this 90's gem. This is a record that I have shown many friends, some of them got really into and several leaned the other way. I first go into this band through Quicksand for obvious reasons. A friend of mine I was recording with at the time put on this record and I was instantly hooked. Later on I searched all...