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Well, its 2013 and there is a new song from 90's shoegaze demi-gods, Swervedriver. I couldn't have asked for a better way to end out the year. This is the first piece of newly record music in over 15 years. Deep Wound is the first single off their new 7 inch. The single also features a remix of the song titled "Dub Wound" done by Mark Gardener of the british shoegaze band Rise .  If you read this site frequently you'll know that I have a tendency to speak about this band whenever possible. At first I wasn't sure if this would be more in the realm of Adam Franklins solo records, however it's not. This is very much Swervedriver in their finest. Deep Wound sums up the bands hazy shoegaze sound in a nutshell and proves that the band still has it after all of these years.  According to a press release there will be a new album coming out in 2014. Deep Wound is available for download via bandcamp and iTunes . A a limited amount of 7inches were pre...
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I am a sucker for pretty much anything that Anthony Green does. I wouldn’t call it obsessive or to the level of a fan girl, but I’m certainly not in any proud rush to admit how much time I spend involving the music he makes with my life in someway. But the good thing is that the world seems to agree with me. If you look at his career, you’ll see that what Anthony Green has his hands in will typically be a success. Saosin ruled, then he left and I can’t tell you the last time I’ve heard of them doing anything. The Sounds of Animals Fighting was basically RX Bandits, Craig Owens, and Anthony Green and they were a huge cult-ish underground thing for a good while. If you go back further he was in Zolof and the Rock and Roll Destroyer, Audience of One, and Jeer at Rome. He now fronts Circa Survive, which are a massive force. And Anthony’s solo career is booming as well.


We just released a new music video for the song " WLWYCD " off of our new album DEATH CHORUS coming out 11/19/13 via Rise Records. Come see us on tour with Citizen, Diamond Youth, and Sainthood Reps this fall. Check the dates below: 11.08.13 -  New York, NY - The Studio @ Webster Hall 11.09.13 - Baltimore, MD - OttoBar 11.10.13 - Cambridge, MA - The Sinclair 11.12.13 - Toronto, ON - Hard Luck 11.13.13 - Detroit, MI - The Magic Stick 11.14.13 - Cleveland Heights, OH - Grog Shop 11.15.13 - Chicago, IL - Subterranean 11.16.13 - Dekalb, IL - The House Cafe 11.18.13 - Denver, CO - Marquis Theatre 11.20.13 - Salt Lake City, UT - Kilby Court Gallery 11.22.13 - Seattle, WA - The Vera Project 11.23.13 - Vancouver, BC - Biltmore Cabaret 11.26.13 - Oakland, CA - Oakland Metro Operahouse 11.27.13 - Anaheim, CA - Chain Reaction 11.29.13 - San Diego, CA - The Irenic 12.01.13 - Scottsdale, AZ - Pub Rock Live 12.03.13 - Dallas, TX - Sons of Hermann Hall 12.05.13 - Atla...


This week’s flashback features the exact song that sparked my interest in more aggressive music. I was wandering around in middle school with a friend and he told me that I had to listen to a song that he had heard because “They start with synth, and then follow it with guitar, and it’s awesome.” With just that unbelievably vague description, and only because my friend recommended it as “awesome”, I went home to listen to this very song. After I listened to the song I listened to the rest of the album “Alaska”. Then I listened to their older stuff, and then to “Alaska” again. From there I’ve followed the bands every move over the years. It’s hard to describe how important this band is to me. I know it sounds weird and dramatic when people say that. But it’s absolutely the case. This band is really important to me. It’s not a secret to anyone that Between the Buried and Me absolutely oozes talent. But they are a band with an awesome arch of development. When I started listening...




This is an entry I wrote while over in Australia and have been sitting on it until now. I have been meaning to post entries I write while on tour more on here but have just been lazy about it. So here I am trying to be productive with this whole blogging thing (but is that even a thing anymore?). Either way here is a little piece I wrote up after our first day on tour in Australia.  The last few weeks have been pretty crazy for me. What I thought would be just a few weeks of traveling ended up to be about 14 straight. My off time however was well spent at home watching Twin Peaks and hanging out with my girlfriend and dog. While having no social life and no job I've realized that you can potentially endanger a lot of great friendships by not going out and being social. Maybe it was the post Christmas Winter depression that was causing me to sit in my room annoying my dog with repetitive guitar solos over every song I would listen to. Walter (dog) really doesn't app...


Recently I stopped by one of my favorite record stores just to browse around and kill some time. Whenever I go in with a plan to find a gem, or something specific that I have been wanting I never end up finding anything. So, I thought that I would better my luck by going into Angry Mom Records in search of nothing. After pondering through stacks of used and new records this record just popped right up was immediately brushed aside for no one else to grab. At a first glance I thought that maybe I had just found a reissue as many of their albums from their discography have been repressed lately. But, this wasn't. In fact it was an original press on UK label Creation Records.  I was shocked at my find, and even more stunned by the price tag of nine dollars. I did what any record nerd would do and look at the condition and the insert to see if maybe it was a bootleg, and much to my luck it wasn't. I don't look for records simply based on what they are potentially worth o...