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Showing posts from August, 2013


Dinosaur Jr will be releasing a coffee table book celebrating their 30 year legacy. The coffee table book is set to include never before seen photos, as well as interviews and other memorabilia.  The book will be available this November with two editions. I suggest getting the classic edition if you’re not into spending $300.00 on a book. However, the Signature edition does include some great extras such as additional photos by roadie John Felter, tour diary, prints, and signatures from Lou, J, and Murph. You can preorder the book here .


Swervedriver were a band often overlooked when it came to the alt rock/shoegaze genre. My Bloody Valentine  tended to be the main focus of attention back then, and even today for that matter. However Swervedriver molded the shoegaze sound with rock structures. Often hooky, but yet still they would swell off into a tangent of noise and chaos. This album was the second full length from, and was released in 1993. This year marks the 20th anniversary of this record. There is no doubt in my mind that it still holds up, and if anything it is better with age. Although I can't really talk as if I a fan when this album was originally released . 20 years ago would put me at 4 years old when this album came out. As cool of a 4 year old as I was driving around in a red power wheels jeep, I wasn't quite cool enough to be into British shoegaze by that point yet. BUY | STREAM I have put this record on in the van everytime I do an overnight drive, and someone ...


I met Evan a over a year ago when we did the Glamour Kills tour with him. At that time he was doing his thing on acoustic, but since then Into It Over It has done some full band tours. Always loved his records and his guitar playing, very intricate and precise. Evan and I both have custom telecaster handmade by my good friend Chris at JR Custom Guitars. I turned Evan onto them when mine was finished he got immediately got one made by Chris. What is your current setup? (Guitars, bass, amps, pedals, strings, picks, etc...) Depends on which band we are talking about! For IIOI / SAOTW, I use two custom "Telecaster" guitars through a modded Sovtek Mig100 and ported Ampeg V2 guitar cab. There is a similar setup for Josh who also plays in IIOI, with a Sovtek Mig100B and second ported V2. I only use a tuner. These are setups that are unique but sound outrageous. I like having something one of a kind and weird. Not to mention symme...


The musical group Lungfish has remained one of Baltimore’s greatest mysteries. The band is among the elder statesmen of the DC-based punk label Dischord Records. Devoted listeners will talk about Lungfish recordings and live performances with an adoration that borders on religious fervor. But the reclusive musicians in this cryptic four-piece ensemble have generally shunned the notion of celebrity. Print interviews have been few and far between and over the past two decades, while the country’s more adventurous radio stations have been known to play the music of Lungfish, the group has maintained radio silence with regard to its thoughts about its own music. The documentary you’re about to hear is the result of a collaborative effort between the members of Lungfish and Baltimore-based producer Aaron Henkin. It’s a rare peek behind the curtain at one of contemporary punk’s most enigmatic phenomena. This audio documentary originally aired on WYPR’s weekly arts program, The Signal...


I did this interview via email with Dan a few years back now for an old zine I was doing. Needless to say it was never published. I've managed to take out a couple of questions that were outdated. What is posted below are the more relative parts of the interview. A lot of the questions were based around Paint it Black as they are his more recent band I figured he would want to talk about that more. Dan was a great guy and a pleasure to communicate with. He even asked for a copy of my zine when it was done. That zine as you can probably guess was never printed. I bet its time for me to print up a special one just for him.  I figured I would change it up on this interview and work backwards, so here it goes. Recently PIB put out two 7” EP’s on two different labels (Fat Wreck Chords, Bridge 9) what made you decide to do that? We just thought it was time to start switching up the way we do things. When you’ve been making music for a long time its easy to g...